Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Moth Man?

The Mothman is an unexplained creature with large red eyes and large wings like a moth. It was made famous by the 2002 movie The Mothman Prophecies and has appeared before major world disasters. The creature often appears to have no head, with red eyes set into its chest. It has been photographed and been seen by eyewitnesses and has chased and harrassed a number of people. The first sighting of Mothman was in November 1966 in Point Pleasant, Virginia. Two newlywed couples were driving through Route 62 when they saw red eyes and something fly away. Dozens of sightings were reported in the area soon afterwards. A year later a major disaster hit the town of Point Pleasant when the Silver Bridge collapsed and 46 people died in the accident. The Mothman was seen on the bridge before the collapse. The Mothman has also been sighted just before other world tragedies, such as the Tsunami in India, Chernobyl, Afghanistan and Iraq, and September the 11th. In 2002 the story was made into a movie, The Mothman Prophecies, starring Richard Gere, Laura Linney, Debra Messing and Will Patton.


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